Platform-agnostic way to get a user's home directory in Go
Getting a user’s home directory in a platform-agnostic manner is easy through
the os.UserHomeDir()
method introduced in Go v1.12. It retrieves the current
user’s home directory which is:
- The
environmental variable in Linux and macOS. %USERPROFILE%
in Windows.
Here’s how to use it:
package main
import (
func main() {
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
/home/ayo # Linux
/home/ayo # macOS
C:\Users\ayo # Windows
Another option is to get the current user account and access the HomeDir
property on it as shown below:
package main
import (
func main() {
currentUser, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
homeDir := currentUser.HomeDir
/home/ayo # Linux
/home/ayo # macOS
C:\Users\ayo # Windows
Thanks for reading, and happy coding!